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Fair weather ahead

Preparing for 2 half day sessions with the Karols from America this weekend. My accomplice tells me they are delightful people and very laid back. The forecast is for high pressure,so with good weather the experience will be a good one. Monday, I’ll be with a delegation of local government officials from China and I hope the experience is as good as it was with the poeple from Guang Dong Province last year. Its been a great Summer for interesting clients, despite the poor weather, but I’m off to visit my son in Tenerife next weekend. Great!

The Viking Raid

Met a party of 11 Norwegians from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation vesterday. It had been raining non stop for 36 hours but that did nothing to dampen their spirits. We had a walk through the Grassmarket and up to the Castle for a short tour. By the time we were ready to leave the Castle the rain was clearing and the rest of the morning was clear. Lunch at the Guildford Arms was all I have come to expect, very good. I had a great time with the Vikings and not a monastery burned or a horned helmet in sight!. Many thanks Reid and the gang and come back soon, Bill.

Safety in the Royal Mile

The busy time is calming down and it has been a hectic one, with lots of people signing up to tours of the town. Tours are many and varied and the quality of the products on offer vary too. I have lost count of the number of ‘guides’ with groups numbering sometimes 50 or 60 strung out behind them – an accident waiting to happen! You can do this safely within the confines of the Castle and the Palace but not in the open streets.

Doors Open Day

If you are planning to come to Edinburgh on the weekend of 25 – 27 September, you might be in for a treat. The annual Doors Open Day, sponsored and organised by The Cockburn Association will be held that weekend. It is a time when the public are allowed into sites and buildings they would normally be excluded from. So, If you would like to explore hidden Edinburgh, visit the Cockburn Association’s website Enjoy! Bill

Memory lane

Having a few days off before a tour with staff of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, so catching up on other things. Had a super night in Stirling last night and performed at a memorial concert celebrating the memory of my old friend Tommy Quinn, long time orgasniser of Stirling Folk Club, singer and a great guy. Stirling FC was always a great favourite of mine and I felt I was back in the family again. I met lots of old friends and one in particular who I hope to see again soon! Eric Bogle was on sparkling form.

Belgians, Beer and Chocolate

I had a day and a half with a delightful group of Belgian opera lovers. They were the second group from that country in a week and I am coming to the conclusion that all Belgians must be as they were. Cultured and intelligent, stylish elegant, friendly and polite. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. Yesterday’s tour was ambitious. Edinburgh, St Andrews, a Belgian style lunch, great! Roslin Chapel and back. We just made it on time. If you are intending to take a coach tour with a guide, it is always wise to first check with the guide that what you would like to do is feasible.

Life as a TV star

Did the filming in the Whiski Bar in the Royal Mile because of the rain. It was a long drawn out affair and looked shambolic with tension rising all the time. Then we were into it and it all seemed over in a flash. At the end, a few quick ‘thanks, you were great’ type comments then the crew disappeared up the HIgh Street. Thingummyjig was never like this! Off with Belgian opera lovers for an afternoon walk in town and St Andrews, The Pentland Hills and Roslin Chapel tomorrow. Younger daughter home from holiday today. Bliss!

Opra next?

No guiding today but off to be interviewed for the American Travel TV Channel. Very excited but its a pity about the rain. Had a lovely message from the Montgomerys yesterday. A wee tip about selecting a guide for your visit. Pay less attention to so called ‘qualifications’ amd more to testimonials. Finally, make sure your guide is fully insured. Slainthe, Bill.

Murder and mayhem on the Royal Mile

This morning I met the Hendersons from Montana for a half day walk on the Royal Mile. There was Mum Dad Grandma and Fletcher, aged seven and a half, but no sign of Bigfoot (think about it). The weather was great today and we had a good time together. Fletcher was into all the usual boyish stuff like battles, weapons etc and so I threw in loads of stories about murders, hauntings and other gruesome happenings around the old town. A good morning for these friends of a close friend of mine. You owe me one, John!

The boggy Borders

I accompanied Sam on her tour of the Borders with the Belgian group and it poured down rain all day! Our friends though were their usual laid back selves and nothing ever seemed to phase them. I was sorry to say goodbye to them.

Buying Kilts (real ones) in the Royal Mile

Met the Montgomery family from LA, California off a cruise ship this morning and it was a rush to fit in all they wanted to see and do. There was a cold wind and some of the group were cold but stoic. We did the Castle, passed down the Lawnmarket steering them away from the awful tat shops that are turnng this famous street into a disgrace and visited a real Scottish shop in the High Street. Two of the guys got measured for and bought kilts and everyone was chuffed, particularly the staff of the shop!

Frisian Horse

Well, the Dutch turned out not to be Dutch at all but Frisians, with their own language. However, their sense of fun and humour turned out to be just the same or even more so. Eight really great silver surfers with the hearts and minds of teenagers (just like me).