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A Letter From America

Hey Bill!

Just wanted to let you know we got home. Left the flat in London at 8:15am (GMT) and put the van in park in our driveway at 5pm (Eastern US Time), a total elapsed time of just under 14 hours. Jet travel really has shrunk the world.

Thank you for introducing us to Edinburgh. It was a great way to be introduced to the city, and dinner that night was wonderful. We just barely got our feet wet. There’s much more to see and experience so I’m sure we’ll be back.

I included this picture of me and our neighbor Ron. He picked up the mail for us while we were gone and brought it over as soon as we got back. I shared pictures from the trip on my camera viewer and he says “Scotland. You like single malts?” I said “Oh yeah…”

So he brought over 2 of his favorites. I thought it was funny because I went all the way to Edinburgh and didn’t have any Scotch (it’s ok, that wasn’t a focus of the trip), but before I could open my suitcase to unpack, I’m drinking single-malt. 🙂

Talk to you soon,


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